One of my aim in the future is to own a vending machine as my passive income. I’ve do some research on vending machines and whether it is a good idea or not. It looks like one of the best vending machines is ‘soda vending machine ‘. I’ve found some good articles from Street Directory about Soda Vending machines and it’s written as below :

Best Way to Make Money with Soda Vending Machine
Soda vending machines are one of the easiest ways to make money in the vending machine business. However, like all other vending machines, you do need to offer a selection of beverages, such as soda, juice, and bottled water. You also need to have them placed in strategic locations. The location is the key to making money with vending machines, no matter what type of machines you have. There are several ways you can go about getting the soda vending machines that you want for your business.
Soda bottling companies often provide soda vending machines free of charge. However, you do have to sign a contract saying that you will only purchase the supplies for the beverage vending machine from this company, which can cut down on your profits. When you buy from the company, you will receive discounts, such as one free case of soda for every ten cases that you buy. The downside to buying all the sodas and other beverages from the company is that you will pay full price for the supplies.
Buying a used soda vending machine is one way that you can realize higher profits. You can save up to 50% of the cost of the machine when you buy used. Most times the vending machine distributors have refurbished soda vending machines at a much lower cost than that of new machines. When you own the beverage vending machine yourself, you can purchase your products wherever you want. This allows you to take advantage of sales offered from various wholesalers and quite often you can get the soda you need at the supermarket for less than the wholesale price. When you restock your used soda machine in this manner, you will have higher profits.
Schools are one of strategic locations for soda vending machines. You may have to rethink the type of products that you want to sell through your beverage vending machine. Soda is not the only beverage and in schools there is a great need for beverages such as fruit juice, milk and bottled water. Converting your used soda vending machines to handle these products will still keep you in business.
Airports, public office, shopping malls and other strategic locations where there is high people traffic are prime places for soda vending machines. Often when out shopping, people want a cool refreshing drink and they don’t want to go into a restaurant and sit down. With the beverage vending machine, you will find that at certain times of the year, business is better than others. Hot weather and it could help you to gain more profit from this business.
After reading this, I’ve got some idea in my mind on how to operate and starting vending machine business. I don’t think it could become my source income in the future but only as part of my income. Wish that I could involved in this business this year.