As far as we are a concern with SEO, we are in need of high-quality backlinks. And with building backlinks, we need to use some of the best backlink checker tools available online. We may have different or same niche under which we are working. And we are required to check or analyze our blog at a basic routine.

What is much important for our blog is backlinks only. As said by Google, the backlink is one of the main factors to rank your blog in search engine.
Here’s the chart showing the Google Search Engine Algorithm, the factors important for rankings.
22.33% is the link popularity of your page and the other components.
In the last year, Google’s Penguin algorithm update killed many reputed and private blog networks and make them hell. Backlinks are the major component which is needed equally as other SEO things to maintain the quality of your blog.
There are many factors(almost thousands) and to ensure you are going right, you must check it what actually they are. Here’s a post featuring the 200 factors of Google rankings by Backlinko.
So, here I am discussing some of the best free and paid online backlink checker tools/websites to check and keep an eye on your backlinks and how much you are getting from other websites.
Why do you need to check backlink?
You must have some thoughts in your mind that why we need to look for backlinks and why we need backlink checker tools?
When any site link to you(called backlink) so you must see what the site is. And is it authoritative? The fact may be that the site is a spam and spam is pointing to your blog. Ultimately your site’s ranking decreases and as a result, your revenue also.
Using these backlink checker tools(free & paid) will help you see the incoming and outgoing links. You can select any one of the tools according to your requirement and which suits best to you. These include some free and paid versions of the tools.
5 Best Free & Paid Online Backlink Checker Tool:
OSE: Open Site Explorer(Free & Paid)
One of my favorite tool, but use this for knowing DA and PA of my blog but still best even to check backlinks. If you want to check DA and PA of your blog, the only website and also features checking backlinks your blog is getting from other websites. This tool comes with the free trial of 3 times a day and paid account breaks the trial. Open Site Explorer is a great tool by MOZ. It also gives more tools like keyword finder and other SEO required tools. It also allows you to check your competitor’s backlinks and analysis of their blog.[OSE]
SEMrush(Free & Paid)
Now what you call huge is the SEMrush tool featuring multiple SEO analysis tools. It has extended database which is updated daily to get most of the accurate results. It gives the detailed analysis report of the backlinks a blog maintains. You can also use SEMrush to check backlinks of your competitor and compare with yours and find where you are lacking. Overall, SEMrush is the tool you must be using if you are very sensitive with your site SEO matrices.[SEMrush]
AHrefs is one the best tool to check backlink of your blog with accurate data report. Its primary target is to get you the detailed matrices of backlinks. AHrefs is generally backlink checker tool suggested by popular Bloggers like Brian Dean, Neil Patel etc. This tool is paid and if you register for a free account, you must spend money on it and it is worth of spend money. You can also subscribe to their YouTube channel and they have many tutorials on how to steal your competitor’s backlinks Click here and similar to that. to watch the video.[AHrefs]
Open Link Profiler is a free backlink checker by SEOProfiler and helps you to be ranked. First of all, you need to create an account and start exploring(find) your link pointing to your site. The latest addition to free backlinks checking tool and completely free so you can beat your competitor. You can also export 1000 of the freshest backlinks in .csv format. And I recommend you to use it because it’s completely free for checking links to your site.[OpenLinkProfiler]
BuzzSumo(Free & Paid)
BuzzSumo is yet another backlink checker tool and comes with both free and pro versions. Literally, I do not use BuzzSumo but recommended by top Bloggers and they use it for their sites. But what I use in BuzzSumo is the most shared content related to a keyword. You can export your data to excel in .csv format.[BuzzSumo]
Bonus(Free but not so accurate)
Backlink Watch
Backlink Watch is one of the popular backlink checker tools but the results are not so accurate. What you will not like as me is the site is high on advertisements and pop-ups in between. You can use as it is completely free but it does not provide all the details of the backlinks of your blog.[Backlink Watch]
If you know more tools of any kind, let me know first. And if you like the article, do share it!